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Advanced Customization Options for Timesheet Entry

Table of Contents

There are many ways to customize your company's ClickTime timesheet entry screens. Most of these options are configurable in your Company Preferences, including custom terminology, and job and task list controls. There are also several advanced customization options that your account representative or our support department can configure for you at your request.

The advanced timesheet entry customization options include:

  • Separate Client Selector - Enables people to select from a list of clients before specifying the job/project. This is especially helpful for people with long lists of jobs/projects.
  • Customize Values in Client, Job and Task Selectors - Define what values appear in each selector. For example, your task selector normally shows the task code as well as the task name. If you only want the task name to appear, we can change this for you. This same type of customization can also be done to the client and job selectors.
  • Customize Width of Client, Job and Task Selectors - We can make the client, job and task selectors wider or narrower to better fit your company's values. For example, if your job/project names tend to be quite long, we can make the job/project pop-down selector wider on the timesheet entry screens for your entire company.
  • Add Sub-Jobs - If you would like to break down some or all of your jobs/projects into smaller entities like phases and sub-phases, we can add up to two additional levels for project tracking. Sub-Jobs is an optional module that can be added to your account by our Professional Services team.
  • Allow Zero-Hour Time Entries - This allows people to create and save timesheet entries with a zero in the hours field. This feature enables people to add comments to a job/project without associating it with a specific number of hours worked.
  • Hide the Task Selector - If your company doesn't use tasks, we can remove the task pop-down selector from your timesheet entry screens.
If you'd like to customize your ClickTime account, please let us know.
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