Stay on Budget
Project BudgetingGain real-time visibility into project performance, create more accurate forecasts, easily identify out-of-scope work and simply manage priorities, and export data and share project progress with clients and internal stakeholders.

Easy Administration
Timesheet ManagementQuickly see who has incomplete or unsubmitted timesheets. Easily approve employee time, see which employees have or have not completed their timesheets, send automatic timesheet reminders, and view employee time off and holiday schedules.

Workforce Planning
Resource Capacity PlannerSee who is available to work, optimize employee scheduling for maximum profitability, increase utilization and manage capacity, reduce over-servicing, and better understand when and whom to hire.

Analyze and Report
Expense ReportsAnalyze expenses by employee, client, or project. Filter expense types and report by category or classification. Data export and integration with accounting, CRM, and project management software.

Increase Productivity
Employee Utilization & Billable HoursTrack, manage, and increase employee utilization. Understand which projects, teams, and clients are the most or least billable. Allow employees to see their own utilization and billability goals to drive increased transparency and performance.

Next-Level Visibility
Dashboards and Visual SummariesGain instant visual insights into financial, operational, and employee performance. Understand patterns and trends, share information across departments, and provide executives with an easy-to-understand overview of any project, team, or client.

Manage Employee Payroll
Overtime ReportingQuickly see which employees worked overtime, who took time off, and who approved overtime hours. Automatically apply the correct overtime rate for federal or California overtime rules. Easily export overtime hours and costs directly to your payroll platform!
Improve Productivity
Employee Performance ReportsSurface top performers and optimize your team for maximum billability, understand employee utilization over time, and quickly see who is working on what projects.

Get the Exact Data You Need
Custom Reports To Track TimeEasily create any report based on time, cost, budget, client, project, or any other type of data.
Manipulate complex data sets to understand long-term trends and identify outliers, or analyze employee, project, or team performance — custom to your organization.

Form 990 and Beyond
Nonprofit ReportsEasily share information with funders or grantors, measure program ROI, report on functional expenses, and understand the cost and time to complete any project.