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ClickTime 6.4

Table of Contents

We released ClickTime version 6.4 today. The update includes powerful bulk editing capabilities, a new payroll report, and improved reporting optimized for the iPad and iPhone.  The changes are as follows:

  1. Find & Replace with Bulk Changes - We added a powerful new tool to enable large-scale bulk editing of timesheet data. In the Advanced section under the Company tab, you now have the ability to reassign clients, jobs, phases, sub-phases and tasks across all timesheet data, or just a specific set of timesheet entries. This is helpful for companies who want to rearrange the way they organize and categorize their data. It also helps when you need to split one project into two projects, or fix some incorrectly assigned time across multiple people and dates. These changes can be performed without having to unlock or unapprove timesheets, and could save hours of administrative overhead.

  2. Payroll Report - A new Excel payroll report is now in the People category under the Reports menu. This report provides a summary of hours worked and a summary of any time off taken by specified people, divisions or employment types. The time worked can also be subtotaled by client or job/project. This is helpful for basic payroll needs, as well as providing a quick summary of what clients and projects people are working on.

  3. Optimized Reporting for iPad and iPhone - We improved the way some reports are displayed in the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. You should now be able to view multi-page PDF reports properly with these Apple mobile devices.

  4. Documentation - We updated the online and PDF documentation to reflect the most recent updates. Administrators may download the user manuals (PDF) from the Quick View page after signing in. The online help is available by clicking the "help" links that appear in the upper and lower right-corners of every page after signing in to ClickTime.
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