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David Brockman

ClickTime 7.12

Table of Contents

With today's release of ClickTime version 7.12, we've improved the Week View timesheet entry page, updated some reports and confirmed QuickBooks 2013 compatibility:

  1. WeekView-gridClickTime Week View - Notes EntryWeek View - We improved several things about the user interface including getting more results when searching for projects and tasks, moving note icons closer to their corresponding hour value and cleaner notes entry.

  2. QuickBooks 2013 Compatibility - The ClickTime Web Application and the ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks® are compatible with the recently released QuickBooks 2013. The ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks allows companies to integrate timesheet and expense data seamlessly with QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, and QuickBooks Enterprise (2005-2013).

  3. Reports Updated - We updated three more pre-built reports to include options for viewing the report directly in your browser (HTML) or export them to PDF or Excel for all supported browsers and platforms. The updated reports also can display your company logo in the page header.
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