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Growing Team ClickTime

Table of Contents

ShotglassIt’s been an exciting few months for the ClickTime team! From our marketing director and junior UI/UX designer, to product managers, sales representatives, quality assurance engineers, and a five-person intern class, we’ve been growing our team at lightning speed.

Going forward, prepare to enjoy the fruits of our recruiting efforts as we roll out product releases and enhance support and sales communications. Stay tuned as all of this unfolds… in the meantime, we’re going to celebrate with our shiny new shot glasses.

Interested in joining the fun? Check out our jobs page at www.clicktime.com/jobs, or email jobs@clicktime.com for more information.
Want your own ClickTime shot glass? We’ve got several to give away! Just leave us a comment below to share a good ClickTime experience, or how you’d love to use your new shiny ClickTime bar ware.
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