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Increase your Profitability – Part 2

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We've talked in the past about how saving a few minutes with every timesheet can significantly improve the profitability of your company. By saving 2 minutes per employee per week for 20 employees over the course of a calendar year, you get nearly a full week's worth of time that could be better spent on productive or billable work. Here are more ways you can reduce administrative overhead costs by letting ClickTime automatically fill out your timesheet for you:

Auto Fill - This feature pre-fills your current timesheet's client, project and task selections from the prior week's timesheet entries. If you work on projects that last more than a couple of days, this significantly speeds up timesheet completion each week.

Quick Day -  When filling out your timesheet one day at a time, this option allows you to completely copy the previous day's time entries to the current day. For people who are working full-time on a specific project for multiple days in a row, this makes filling in your timesheet a fast one-click process.

Quick Week - For employees whose timesheet look nearly identical from one week to the next, this button will copy last week's time entries to the current week. This can dramatically reduce the time required to fill out a week's timesheet from minutes to seconds.

These three time-saving features built into ClickTime help your employees be more productive and reduce administrative overhead costs so your company can increase profitability.


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