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New Week View Update – This Saturday!

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We want to thank all of our customers who provided incredibly valuable feedback while testing our new Week View time entry screen. That feedback resulted in many improvements and we're happy to be announcing that the new Week View will no longer be in beta. NewWeekView

This Saturday, November 7, we're going to be updating ClickTime, and afterwards, for all of you with a modern browser, your Week View screen will be replaced with an updated version. For those of you still using IE 6 (we feel for you), you'll be able to continue using the legacy Week View.

We hope you enjoy the new design and functionality (Auto Fill, type-ahead, sub-job support, auto-save, custom sorting, advanced job/task search capabilities and more). Even the thousands of you who have been using the beta version will notice improvements.

We encourage you to keep giving us feedback about Week View and other parts of ClickTime. It's your input that makes ClickTime a great product.

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