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The Nonprofit Fundraising Ecosystem Infographic

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How much did Americans give to nonprofits and charities this past year? Where did charitable giving come from and what causes did it go to? Let's dive into the numbers and data with this handy infographic!

nonprofit fundraising and charitable giving infographic

Nonprofit Fundraising & Charitable Giving

And just in case you prefer to consume your info in a more textual format:

  • Who donates more money, businesses or people?

    You might be surprised to learn that only about 5% of total charitable giving came from corporations. The remaining 95% of charitable donations came from individuals, foundations, and bequests.

  • What is a foundation?

    A foundation is an organization that gives grants for some sort of charitable purpose. Foundations can be privately funded, such as through an individual or a company, or it can be a publicly funded through the individual donations, the government, or even other foundations.

  • What is a bequest?

    A bequest is a gift of property or financial assets given through a will.

  • What were some of the most popular causes in charitable giving?

    Last year, the most popular cause by more than double, was to religious / spiritual organizations — receiving over $124.5 billion. Educational institutes came in second, while human services, foundations, and health organizations rounded out the top five.

  • What are the most charitable states?

    In terms of amount given, New York won the most charitable spot, followed by Georgia and Virginia. An honorable mention goes out to Utah which — for the 5th year in a row — was listed first in volunteer rate, percentage of donated income, and percentage of population who donate time and money.

  • What are the least philanthropic states?

    Arizona is the least philanthropic state, followed by Nevada and Delaware.

  • When does the most giving occur?

    10% of annual giving occurs in the last three days of the year!

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