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NTC 2019: Why We’re Excited about NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference

Table of Contents

We're excited to be attending this year's Nonprofit Technology Conference in Portland, Oregon.

We'll be at booth #403 and ready to chat about managing nonprofit programs, grants, budgets, time and more!

With March just around the corner, we wanted to share what we’re most excited about at NTC 2019.

NTC 19 logo

NTC Sessions of Note

Building a Solid Project Management Culture at Your Organization

This session will explore how integrating project management into your organization’s culture can increase transparency, improve data collection, and ultimately lead to smarter decision-making. You’ll learn strategies for gaining team buy-in and effectively implementing a project-focused culture, along with digital tools and templates to get started

The Quest for Balance: Time Management for Your Nonprofit

This topic is clearly very close to our hearts. This session will cover what tasks you can automate, how to organize and keep track of your projects, and how to avoid micromanaging while still increasing productivity. Small groups will work together to create a sample project management plan for one week.

The New Era of Google Grants: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies

This presentation will highlight new Ad Grant rules, and help demystify Google Analytics, Google Ads, and how to meet your nonprofit's real life goals and website conversions.

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