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David Brockman

October-November Updates

Table of Contents

We don't have any tricks, but hopefully you'll think of our October and November updates as good treats. OK, pardon the bad post-Halloween humor but we've made several improvements during the past few weeks we hope you enjoy and find useful. The changes include: Overdue Timesheet Reminder  

  1. Automated Notifications and Reminders - You can now setup automatic email reminders to remind people to fill in their timesheets and submit them for approval. You can also configure your account to automatically bug people who haven't finished their timesheets a couple of days after the timesheet is due.
  2. Week View (beta) - A few customers have been randomly selected to get access to an updated Week View (beta) version, which includes numerous improvements and support for features such as AutoFill, Quickweek and custom alerts. We'll roll this out to more customers in the weeks ahead.
  3. Reports Updated - We redesigned and improved several reports to include more filtering options. All supported browsers (IE, Firefox and Safari) can now easily view the redesigned reports on-screen with HTML, PDF and Excel formats.
  4. Currency Options - For our Eastern European friends, the Russian Ruble, Polish Zloty, and other currencies are now available when entering foreign currency expenses.
  5. New Web Service Methods - You can now add people to your account and edit the user records via web services.
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