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Reflections on blogging…

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I was recently interviewed by Andrew Warner on his awesome Mixergy program. Mixergy is a long-form interview show with internet entrepreneurs. Think Charlie Rose with Skype instead of the mahogany table. It was exciting to be featured on such a high-profile show (you need only look at his other interviewees to know that Andrew is the real deal).

I had two important takeaways from this interview:

  • First, Andrew encouraged me to blog more about my experiences in business. He's absolutely right and I don't know why it's taken me so long, but I'll be doing more of that starting now.
  • Second, I got some great advice from Andrew for feedback on my interview. He said that I should tell more stories about starting and running the business. It's one thing to give facts, lessons, and philosophies, but good stories make the lessons a lot more interesting. Thanks, Andrew.

So in 2011 I've resolved to blog more, and relate more of the interesting stories that make this business so interesting. I welcome your feedback and comments.

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