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Filling In Your Timesheet – Make it Easier

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One of the primary areas we focus on with ClickTime is to make it quick and easy for you to enter and complete your time and expense sheets.

ClickTime Web Timesheet

Some of the easiest methods for you to make this process faster reside on the "My Preferences" page and include:

  • Default task
  • Minimum entries to display per day
  • Default expense type
  • Default payment type

Correctly setting these values can quickly reduce the number of clicks required to fill in each time or expense entry. Additionally, for people who do the same type of work from day-to-day, our QuickDay and QuickWeek options can quickly fill in your timesheet for you.

It's typically overlooked during a hectic workweek how many times we repeat the same mouse-and-click actions. If we can simplify these activities for you, it can help you quickly fill in your time and expense sheets. These features and several new ones we're currently developing (stay tuned...) hopefully will make your day a bit easier.

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