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View Company Policies on your Time and Expense Sheets

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Most companies have policies governing how employees should fill-in and submit timesheets and expense sheets. Unfortunately, those policies more often than not end up in an employee manual or on a memo that people can't find when they need it. Instead, take a couple of minutes to add your policies to ClickTime (assuming you can find the memo or your employee manual) and then your employees and contractors will always have an easy way to review this info while entering their time and expenses.

Add your company policies by going to the Advanced section under the Company tab and select the “custom messages” feature. Enter your company’s policies as “info” messages for the time entry, timesheet view and expense sheet entry locations. Activating these informational messages will add links on the appropriate locations in the application so your employees can easily review the policies as needed.

If you don't see the custom messages link in the advanced section please contact support regarding how to add this feature to your account. Also, if you'd like to add messages to other parts of ClickTime, please let us know.

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