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Free Excel Spreadsheet

Billable Hours Template

Get your free, downloadable Excel billable hours template from ClickTime

"I can't overstate how important ClickTime is to our business. It has made us more productive, and better able to focus on meaningful work for our clients. ClickTime saves our team hundreds of non-billable hours a week — and nearly $200,000 a year."
Annemarie Anaya
Accountant, Eastwick Communications

Free Download

Easy Billable Hours Spreadsheet

ClickTime’s billable hours template will help you track, manage, and plan how you and your team bill for their time. The template can be printed or simply viewed in Excel or Google Sheets. As your rates, projects, employees, or clients change, simply update the template and save the file!

Billable Hours Template - billable hours template

Easier Than Excel

Tracking Billable Hours with ClickTime

ClickTime’s online timesheets make it easy to track employee hours, manage budgets, and improve billability. We offer hundreds of time tracking features, including an easy time tracker, dozens of reports, and integrations with your existing payroll and accounting software.

Billable Hours Template - laptop and mobile

Free Download

How to Use the Billable Hours Template

Managing your time doesn’t have to be a challenge! Our free spreadsheet will simplify how you keep track of your hours, rates, invoices, and more.

Getting Started:

  1. Download the Billable Hours Template.
  2. Open the template in Excel.
  3. Rename and save the file.

Setting up the Billable Hours Template in Excel:

  1. Add the name of your organization at the top
  2. Update the relevant contact information
  3. Enter the dates for which you will be billing

Using the Billable Hours Template in Excel:

  1. Enter the employee, project, and client names
  2. Enter the hours worked
  3. Enter the billing rate for each employee
  4. That’s it!